How does Partial Hydration work?
Partial Hydration, as the name suggests, is a technique in web development that hydrates only the interactive components of an application. This concept is all about striking a balance between efficiency and interactivity. It focuses on converting static HTML pages into dynamic ones by adding event handlers to HTML elements but only where it's needed.
Gatsby Cloud's implementation of Partial Hydration provides an excellent example of how this process works. Leveraging React server components, Gatsby Cloud allows for selective interactivity in otherwise static apps. This approach significantly reduces the amount of JavaScript sent to the client, leading to faster loading times and a better user experience.
In contrast to the island architecture concept popularized by Astro, Gatsby's Partial Hydration doesn't require a complete paradigm shift in app development. Using React server components means that developers can continue with their existing app development practices while still benefiting from enhanced performance and improved Time to Interactive scores.
The potential benefits of partial hydration are being explored by other platforms too like Remix, which sees potential in reducing JavaScript sent to clients thereby improving website performance.

In essence, partial hydration offers an efficient method for developers to improve their web app performance without drastically altering their current practices or compromising on user experience.
Benefits of Partial Hydration
The foremost benefit of Partial Hydration is its ability to significantly improve frontend performance. By focusing on hydrating only what's necessary, it reduces the amount of JavaScript sent to the client side, accelerating load times and enhancing user experience.
The implementation of Partial Hydration in platforms like Gatsby Cloud exemplifies how this technique can facilitate a seamless mix of server and client components without necessitating a major shift in development practices. This approach not only simplifies the transition for developers but also ensures an efficient build process.
Astro's Islands architecture showcases another advantage: it allows for parallel loading of components and optimal use of resources. This results in websites that are fast by default, with JavaScript being loaded only when needed.
In summary, Partial Hydration offers a powerful tool for balancing interactivity with performance efficiency, ultimately leading to better web applications and improved user satisfaction.
Partial Hydration vs Full Hydration
Full hydration refers to a process where all elements of an application are converted into interactive components using JavaScript. This process, though effective at creating dynamic apps, can lead to slower loading times due to the increased amount of JavaScript required.
Partial hydration, on the other hand, selectively hydrates only necessary components for interactivity whilst leaving others as static HTML. This approach reduces JavaScript delivery to client side and improves performance metrics like Time to Interactive.
In a nutshell, while full hydration guarantees maximum interactivity, partial hydration provides a more balanced solution, optimizing both performance and interactive features according to specific needs.
Explore Sanity Today
Now that you've learned about Partial hydration, why not start exploring what Sanity has to offer? Dive into our platform and see how it can support your content needs.
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