Although part of the largest independent school movement in the world, The Waldorf School of New Orleans is the only Waldorf School within a 300 mile radius. Founded almost 25 years ago, WSNO competes with well-established private schools, as well as a growing number of charter schools in the Greater New Orleans Area. Because the Waldorf philosophy stands out amongst the crowd, they needed their digital presence to do the same.
- Nextjs 14 app router
- Shopify Storefront API GraphQL integration for headless e-commerce
- Zod runtime type validation for external APIs
- Automatic content updates via ISR and tag-based revalidation for Shopify and Sanity
- JSON-LD for FAQs, products, events, articles, and job listings
- Sanity presentation view + Vercel Preview for visual edits
- Type safe GROQ queries via new DefienQuery
- Passive image loading with LQIPs
- Automatic sitemap updates
- High-resolution image support (2x device pixel ratio)
- Smooth animations and transitions using Framer Motion
- Enhanced loading experience with React Suspense and skeletons for dynamic content
- Pagination for blog
- Instagram feed integration with automatic token refresh via cron job
- Dynamic Open Graph images using Nextjs Image Response for calendar, events, and blog posts with custom embedded viewer in Sanity Studio
- Forms powered by Resend API and server actions
- Donorbox integration for donations and tickets