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Localization showcase projects


Music platform for content creators

yaroslav kaplunskiy
Go to LesFM


Chipotle's Steve Ells new robot-run fast-casual vegan restaurant.

Ian Hatcher-Williams
Go to Kernel

Leaders In Consulting

Creating a multi-site, internationalised page builder for the premier consulting community

Go to Leaders In Consulting


This tool is designed to automatically generate a sitemap powered by Sanity CMS with also the need to manage multiple languages.

Roberto Malcotti
Go to SanitySitemapGenerator


Efficient Go middleware for seamless document translation within Sanity.io via DeepL API integration.

Roberto Malcotti
Go to SanityTranslator


Revolutionizing Clinical Trials: Teckro Leverages Sanity CMS for Unmatched User Engagement

Go to Teckro

Dialogue Works

a joint campaign led by Kindernothilfe and Terre des Hommes, dedicated to create spaces for meaningful participation of working children and youth in international policy debates

Ahmed Ghazi
Go to Dialogue Works

Tony's Chocolonely (Demo)

We designed and developed a demo store based on our favourite chocolate brand, Tony's Chocolonely, to showcase our approach to creating fast and engaging Shopify stores. Case study here: https://tinloof.com/work/tony-s-chocolonely

Go to Tony's Chocolonely (Demo)


A faster, more simple and transparent mortgage experience.

Field Office
Go to Pineapple


For more than two decades Octasic has pushed the limits of chip design and wireless and media processing.

Field Office
Go to Octasic

Next.js Edge SSR

New edge server side rendering with Sanity to see what peak performance looks like

Roboto Studio
Go to Next.js Edge SSR

Aryze Developments

A gorgeous design system harnessed through a thoughtfully customized Sanity experience.

Go to Aryze Developments

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