Exploring Sanity? Take control of your content – watch the demo

Sanity.io on the Google Cloud Platform podcast

Listen to the episode of the GCP podcast where Simen and Knut tell about the origin of Sanity.io and they see it something more than a headless CMS.


  • Knut Melvær

    Knut Melvær

    Head of Developer Community and Education

Simen and Knut on the Google Cloud Platform Podcast

We were recently invited to the Google Cloud Platform Podcast to talk about the history of Sanity.io and the state of content management systems. We sent Simen Svale Skogsrud and Knut Melvær to talk with the GCP Podcast’s lovely hosts Max Saltonstall and Mark Mirchandani.

Head over to the podcast site, or search for “Google Cloud Platform Podcast” in your favorite podcast player, and you should be able to find the episode there.