The best Vue.js CMS, plain and simple
A powerful front-end framework. An equally powerful API.
Build a ultra-performant web page, app, or SPA with Vue.js and Sanity. Enjoy a modular approach to development on both frontend and backend with Vue.js's plugin-based architecture and Sanity's developer-first, customizable headless CMS.
Turn Portable Text to a Vue template in record time
With Sanity's extensible data layer, craft rich text into reactive HTML with easeAPI-first, DX-friendly
Make use of Vue's natural, developer-friendly syntax with Sanity's equally smooth backend
Powering exceptional digital experiences everywhere
From Portable Text to HTML templates in the blink of an eye
Let your backend be a Content Lake of endless possibility while your Vue.js front-end renders your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Query your content in GraphQL or GROQ and enjoy unrivaled speed, flexibility, and modularity.
For headless CMS I’m fairly obsessed with Sanity. Haven’t found anything I don’t like about it.
Voted #1 by developers
In the 2022 JAMStack Community Survey, Sanity has the highest satisfaction score for content platforms.
It's the fastest, most flexible way to structure and deliver content to digital products.
Find out why and get started in minutes.
Single page Node.js applications, no headaches.
Check out this tutorial to learn how to build a SPA Vue.js application with Vue.js (or Nuxt.js!) and Sanity. Or ease your way in and build a blog. Enjoy modern web architectures in all their splendor.
Open source from front to back.
Getting started with Sanity is as simple as npm install -g sanity && sanity init
. Take a quick look at the docs, define a schema, and deploy your studio. Or open your Sanity instance and you'll be greeted with a high performance content management system. That's all it takes.
A lighting-fast CDN takes your content anywhere in the world.
Deploy your Vue app to Netlify, Vercel, or other JAMstack friendly platforms and push a rebuild of your site from your Sanity dashboard. Perfect for e-commerce, static site generation, and other content-rich projects.
The most extensible rich text format in the world, straight into Vue.
Portable Text sends a fully extensible data layer on top of your content, serialized straight from JSON into Vue components. With it, content can be presented as a device-agnostic, infinitely customizable dataset, served to an arbitrary number of front ends.
Render Portable Text with Vue with our official integration.
Integrate Sanity with other technologies
Sanity can be integrated with any major framework, providing the flexibility need to have full control of your project.
Get started with Vue and Sanity right away
Use one of Sanity's templates and get started in minutes.
Last updated August 21, 2023