Hugo Sanity #1 CMS
The fastest SSG meets best-in-class DX. Hugo, meet Sanity.
Using the world's fastest static site generator should come with an equally capable CMS. Define your own workflows in your headless CMS, then choose what to output to your Hugo project, all on an extensible, open source backend.
npm create sanity@latest

Powering exceptional digital experiences everywhere
Integrate Sanity with other technologies
Sanity can be integrated with any major framework, providing the flexibility need to have full control of your project.
The Standout Leader in the Headless CMS Category
G2 ranked Sanity as the leader in the Headless CMS category, as measured by customer review ratings and market presence (share, seller size, and overall impact).
With Sanity, you can be ready for whatever challenge is next with rapid configuration and extensive customization, without any limiting factors such as the number of content types.
Hugo + Sanity = the ultimate in flexibility
Want a no-frills approach to a blog, docs, or temporary event page, but still have other options when deploying the rest of your business's content?
With Sanity's API-first approach to content management, send a selection of your content to Hugo and keep the rest in reserve for other frameworks. It's a Jamstack dream come true.
Need a break from other frontends?
Keep it simple and enjoy plain HTML and markdown while retaining all the superpowers the modern JS ecosystem affords. Output a collection of static files using fully-featured open source React SPA.
Query the API pre-build time and make markdown out of portable text
Go from studio fields to metadata in your frontmatter with a small plugin. With Sanity, Hugo, and Netlify build plugins, you can wire a NoSQL database to your Hugo site in record time.
Customize your inputs any way you'd like to, then watch with delight as they become simple, manageable markdown files. No format lock-in, as with git-based CMS. Just the endless extensibility of open source Portable Text.
Check out this tutorial on creating blogs with Hugo and Sanity using Netlify build plugins to learn more.
Translate your shortcodes and templates into custom input components
Thanks to the flexibility of the Sanity back end, you can serialize any fully-rendered input component in your Sanity studio with a fully-functioning Hugo shortcode without breaking a sweat.
Integrate Sanity with other technologies
Sanity can be integrated with any major framework, providing the flexibility need to have full control of your project.
Build a CMS-powered Hugo site
Generous quota included. Pay-as-you-go for users, usage and features on all plans. Host a DIY studio for free, or serve enterprise content with confidence.
Last updated April 26, 2023