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Museum of Us

By Zachary Davis

Website for the Museum of Us, in San Diego, California

Screen capture of the homepage with a full-screen menu sliding down.
Full-screen menu.
The blog page, showing tags for filtering content.
The Cultural Resources page, showing an interactive table of contents in the left-hand column.
Editing a blog post with tags, publish date, and thumbnail image.
Built-in PDF viewer for studio Readme document.

About the project

A new website to go with a new name and visual identity. Sanity and Next.js support snappy performance and a simplified editing process compared to WordPress.

This anthropology museum has a deep archive of content and frequent blog-posts, so I knew that the wait time for rebuilding a statically-generated site would be a growing concern. I followed this wonderful guide to implement live previews, then, with update hooks and Vercel's incremental static regeneration, I was able to minimize the time between clicking publish and going live.

Custom guardrails in the studio give editors a lot of confidence. Internal links are checked for validity, and there's a handy User's Guide PDF-viewer built into the header.

Website designed by Rebecca Friedman.


Zachary Davis

Creative developer and technical consultant. Implementing solutions in code for artists, institutions and businesses.

Zachary is located at Portland, Oregon, USA
Visit Zachary Davis's profile