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Discussion about browser crashes and internet connection in relation to Studio

2 replies
Last updated: Jun 2, 2023
This happens every day to me. Anyone else having this? Is it because there is no internet connection? I get the crash usually in the morning when I open my laptop again and left the browser tab open.
Jun 1, 2023, 7:23 AM
user C
. Yes, that appears to be the cause. If it’s something you encounter other than when opening your laptop and returning to your Studio, please let us know.
Jun 2, 2023, 2:44 AM
user C
, I've never seen this before, but I did manage to generate it...once...and then one or two similar, all around browser tab starts and internet conditions.
Considering how these occur vs. more common messages only in the console when internet isn't present, I think this is managed by Sanity design, so that you only get an onscreen alert and Retry when Studio is actually trying to do something -- like recreate a view you request, or had before. This would be so you wouldn't get just a frozen screen, or silent misfunction.

Thinking this way leads to wondering if what you see has to do with the
shutdown of the computer, rather than the startup next time of the browser...particularly if you simply use a button or menu as one might, to finish for the day, rather than first closing the browser.
Windows isn't very good about how it chooses to stop programs in that situation, and can easily leave one in a bad state. I wonder then if you might try simply closing Studio's browser manually before you shut down, and see if that makes the problem go away?

Good fortune on it,
Jun 2, 2023, 2:58 AM

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