Help needed with expanding nested references in a Sanity query
3 replies
Last updated: Jul 20, 2021
Maybe I'm losing my mind, or don't have enough caffeine in my system, but I can't work out how to expand a nested reference, but also keep its sibling. I have a
submenuItemsarray that can contain URL or a reference to another document. However, I can't seem to expand any references it encounters without losing the sibling submenuItem that happens to be a normal url/link.
Jul 20, 2021, 3:55 PM
Sample, full query result:
[ { "_createdAt": "2021-07-20T15:28:00Z", "_id": "2bf5b5af-c3cd-4ad9-a57f-f4bb8ef3841d", "_rev": "UubfLilb6M2LgUxBYJcHmh", "_type": "navigation", "_updatedAt": "2021-07-20T15:28:56Z", "id": "kevin-navigation", "links": [ { "_key": "3b1e45d65ac8", "_type": "linkItem", "href": "<>", "name": "Top Link", "tabBehaviour": true }, { "_key": "6c5ebebb321f", "_type": "linkItem", "href": "<>", "name": "Second Link", "submenuItems": [ { "_key": "51e483ed1dbf", "_ref": "f342b02b-99c0-470a-b857-8898de156cab", "_type": "reference" }, { "_key": "8cb9dc272c3e", "_type": "linkItem", "href": "<>", "name": "Newcastle United" }, { "_key": "fa6f1280f477", "_ref": "55d400bf-8ea5-4e6b-9232-d3a2b4e2c267", "_type": "reference" } ] }, { "_key": "53e111fad541", "_type": "linkItem", "href": "<>", "name": "Tertiary Link" } ], "title": "Kevin Navigation" } ]
Jul 20, 2021, 3:56 PM
*[_type == "navigation" && id == "kevin-navigation"]{ links[]{ name, href, submenuItems[]->{ ... } } }
_typewhilst if I remove the
->it returns the opposite. Something to do with the projection, and mapping over I think, but can't work it out 😂 Any help mucho appreciado.
Jul 20, 2021, 4:00 PM
I think I may sussed it, thanks for Anders code snippet. Just in case anyone is stuck in a rut and questioning their career-choice for a few hours 😄
Jul 20, 2021, 4:50 PM
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