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Listing documents of a specific schema type in a pane while also listing other document type list items in Slack.

2 replies
Last updated: Jul 17, 2023
Can I list documents of a specific schema type in a pane while also listing some other document type list items?for example: listing all 'person' documents while also having another list item 'directors' in the same list
Jul 17, 2023, 10:37 PM
Yep! If you want them mixed:
        .title('Mixed List')
          S.documentList().title('Mixed List').filter(`_type in ['person',
Or if you want the directors in a subpane:

        .title('List with Subpane')
        .child(async () => {
          const client = getClient({ apiVersion: '2023-07-17' });
          const documentListItems = await client
            .fetch(`*[_type == 'actor']`)
            .then(documents =>
          return S.list()
            .title('List with Subpane')
            .items([S.documentTypeListItem('director'), ...documentListItems]);
Jul 17, 2023, 11:30 PM
I was asking for the second solution, I have to try it now. Thank you
Jul 17, 2023, 11:50 PM

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