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APIs and IPAs: personalized beverage recommendation

By Andrew Kumar

APIs and IPAs is a local event with Uniform, Sanity, and in Toronto. For the event, we built a personalized beer recommendation experience using the latest Next.js 15 partial pre-rendering mode. Uniform has out-of-the-box integrations with Sanity and Vercel, and a visual personalization engine built in. For this experience, we pull Geo IP from Vercel, Weather from a weather API, and beer and breweries content from Sanity, and the experience is visually configured in Uniform. What beer did you get?

Slagelse personalized
Personalized on mobile
Very simple, clean content types in Sanity (free of any presentation metadata)

About the project

Key Features:

  • Next 15: brand new partial pre-rendering mode
  • Vercel Edge: Blazing-fast personalization at the edge
  • Sanity Content types: very clean, and reusable content types in Sanity free of any presentation metadata
  • Uniform Experience Management: Components and visual layout managed in Uniform
  • Uniform Personalization: Leveraging Geo IP and weather data to highlight the recommended beer based on visitors location
  • Uniform integrations: Bringing data, content, and design together for super fast personalized experiences at the edge

See more live: APIs & IPAs: The Blueprint to Personalization at Edge, Tue, Jun 11, 2024, 6:00 PM | Meetup
