Internal/External Next.js Link

By Roboto Studio

Internal/External link based on the conditional field example with Next.js component starters

Sanity Schema

export default {
  name: "customUrl",
  title: "Custom URL",
  type: "object",
  fields: [
      name: "external",
      type: "url",
      title: "URL",
      hidden: ({ parent, value }) => !value && !!parent?.internal,
      name: "internal",
      type: "reference",
      to: [{ type: "page" }, { type: "article" }, { type: "homePage" }],
      hidden: ({ parent, value }) => !value && !!parent?.external,

Next.js Component

import React from "react";
import Link from "next/link";

export default ({ href, children }) => {
  return (
      {href?.internal ? (
        <Link href={href.internal.slug.current}>{children}</Link>
      ) : href?.external ? (
        <a href={href.external}>{children}</a>
      ) : null}

Next.js TypeScript Component

import React from "react";
import Link from "next/link";

interface CustomLinkSchema {
  href: any;
  children: any;
  passHref?: any;

export default ({ href, children, ...props }: CustomLinkSchema) => {
  return (
      {href?.internal ? (
        <Link href={href.internal.slug.current} {...props}>
      ) : href?.external ? (
        <a href={href.external}>{children}</a>
      ) : null}

We took the original Sanity conditional field for internal/external links, and built it into an object.

We've also included an example for routing with Next/Link inside of a Next.js website. We are currently using this within the Roboto Studio site, with some added complexity, but we kept this version as stripped down as possible for a good starting point.


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