By Joel Hooks is one of the premier educational sites for web development

Users can create custom bookmark lists.
Courses, videos, and articles are grouped by a large selection of development topics.
Each course has a set of course content, a description, and reviews

About the project is one of the foremost destinations for developer education on the web. The site contains a large number of filterable lessons and courses that span topics such as React, Next.js, Gatsby, 11ty, Chrome Dev Tools, and more.

Each course is associated with multiple articles or videos and contains additional structured content to display ratings, categories, completion statistics, and more.

Users are able to bookmark lessons that they want to revisit later, and the egghead team is able to mark some lessons as "Pro" and some as free.


Joel Hooks

lvl 15 half-orc nerd πŸ„ entropy enthusiast πŸ’€ sub-tweeting code, UX, marketing, education, business, parenting, design, and food πŸ‘„ he/they

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