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Is there a GROQ Query where References in a PortableText Array of Blocks Are Also Resolved?

9 replies
Last updated: Jun 5, 2020
Hello! Is there some GROQ query where references in a PortableText array of blocks are also resolved? I haven't found a way to address them in my projection.
Jun 4, 2020, 1:05 PM
Hi there!
One way would be to use conditionals to check for block type, and resolve the references there. Take a look at the last example here:
Jun 4, 2020, 6:14 PM
user J
! This looks like what we need. But we're still struggling to connect the dots šŸ™‚ We have an array of blocks and a custom reference type, like so:

{"_type": "block",
 [{"_type": "span",
   "marks": [],
   "text": "Takk for din bestilling "}
  {"_ref": "0f65906e-05d1-48e6-a2cd-9a6414c874ec",
   "_type": "orderReceiptPlaceholderRef"}
  {"_type": "span", "marks": [], "text": "!"}],
 "markDefs": [],
 "style": "normal"}
It's not clear how to "point" (e.g.
) to inline the reference when it's just a member of the array:

  _type == 'orderReceiptPlaceholderRef' => {

Jun 5, 2020, 7:23 AM
If that makes sense, heh
Jun 5, 2020, 7:23 AM
Specifically, the problem is that some children are references, others not. So
unfurls the references, but leave other blocks null, while
include all children, but does not inline references šŸ¤Æ
Jun 5, 2020, 7:41 AM
I this case you can use the
operator which refers to the root value of the current scope.

  _type == 'orderReceiptPlaceholderRef' => {
should do it
Jun 5, 2020, 7:48 AM
It might be that you need to project the reference like so:
  _type == 'orderReceiptPlaceholderRef' => {
    'referenceOrWhateverYouWantToCallIt': @->
Jun 5, 2020, 8:03 AM
hah, learned something new!
Jun 5, 2020, 9:15 AM
Last one worked, thanks!
Jun 5, 2020, 9:21 AM
Jun 5, 2020, 9:57 AM

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