How to define a singleton page in Studio v3 using
4 replies
Last updated: Dec 3, 2022
How to define a singleton page in Studio v3. Can anybody point me to an example?
Dec 2, 2022, 5:01 PM
Granted it's been a minute since I ported my test studio over, but you would define the Structure in the same way as you would for V2.
Then, to control deletion/duplication/creation of new documents you'd add something like the following to your config:
Note that my
Then, to control deletion/duplication/creation of new documents you'd add something like the following to your config:
document: { newDocumentOptions: (prev, context) => prev.filter(document => !singleEdits.includes(document.templateId)), actions: (prev, { schemaType }) => { if (singleEdits.includes(schemaType)) { return prev.filter(prevAction => prevAction.action == 'publish'); } return prev; }, },
singleEditsis an array of document types.
Dec 2, 2022, 8:50 PM
Could you show me the config file so I see this in context?
Dec 2, 2022, 9:15 PM
export default createConfig([ { name: 'default', title: 'studioDaddy', projectId: 'k8p6uw8a', dataset: 'development', basePath: '/', plugins: [ deskTool({ name: 'sandbox', title: 'Sanbox', icon: MdOutlineBugReport, structure: sandbox, }), ], tools: [], schema: { types: schemaTypes, templates: [], }, document: { newDocumentOptions: (prev, context) => prev.filter(document => !singleEdits.includes(document.templateId)), actions: (prev, { schemaType }) => { if (singleEdits.includes(schemaType)) { return prev.filter(prevAction => prevAction.action == 'publish'); } return prev; }, }, }, ]);
Dec 2, 2022, 11:41 PM
As you probably noted, I am a total Sanity noobie ๐ I have this config file now but it does not change the
navigationcontent types into Singletons. I can still create more copies. Any idea why?
import {defineConfig} from 'sanity' import {deskTool} from 'sanity/desk' import {schemaTypes} from './schemas' const singleEdits = [ { type: 'siteSettings' }, { type: 'navigations' }, ] export default defineConfig({ name: 'default', title: 'ruhrpott-studio', projectId: '349a1vg2', dataset: 'production', plugins: [deskTool()], schema: { types: schemaTypes, }, document: { newDocumentOptions: (prev, context) => prev.filter(document => !singleEdits.includes(document.templateId)), actions: (prev, { schemaType }) => { if (singleEdits.includes(schemaType)) { return prev.filter(prevAction => prevAction.action == 'publish'); } return prev; }, }, });
Dec 3, 2022, 10:13 PM
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