How to group a document by a specific field in
6 replies
Last updated: Oct 22, 2021
Hello guys, I need a little help about how I can group a document by a specific field. For example, I have
physiciandocument where I have
categorystring filed which can be leadership, radiologist etc. I would like a result where I can have
{ "leadership": [], "radiologist": [] }
Oct 22, 2021, 12:00 AM
Hey User! Just to clarify, are you trying to get the 'leadership' list to show all doctors whose category is leadership? What kind of schema is
Oct 22, 2021, 12:15 AM
So, I have a
I like to have a result that will be grouped by its category. So I would like to have an output that should be like
physiciandocument where I have sample data like the following
[ { "category": "radiologist", "name": "J. Michael Barraza, Jr., MD" }, { "category": "leadership", "name": "User, M.D." }, { "category": "leadership", "name": "User, M.D" } ]
{ radiologist: [ { category: 'radiologist', name: 'J. Michael Barraza, Jr., MD' } ], leadership: [ { category: 'leadership', name: 'User, M.D.' }, { category: 'leadership', name: 'User, M.D' } ] }
Oct 22, 2021, 2:09 AM
you can do a subquery like this:
client.fetch(`{ "radiologist": *[category == "radiologist"], "leadership": *[category == "leadership"], }`)
Oct 22, 2021, 3:55 AM
but what if I don’t know what user will give me input. As I said these are just string. I just would like this to be dynmic.
Oct 22, 2021, 3:56 AM
Ah, so this is for a search query, i.e searching for a person named Scott? If you have each category as a reference instead of a string, it’d be easier. Say your data looks like this instead
Then you can query based on category
The result will look like this
AFAIK you can’t project an object with dynamic keys, so this is the closest to your ideal results — I might be wrong though.
Without a category, you can still query, but it requires listing all categories in advance, like the query I shared above.
This is a working example in
[ "_type": "physician", "category": { "_type": "reference", "_ref": "abc123" }, "name": "J. Michael Barraza, Jr., MD", }, { "_type": "category", "_id": "abc123", "name": "radiologist" } ]
*[_type == 'category'] { "category": name, "results": *[ _type == "physician" && name match "Mic*" && references(^._id) ] }
[{ "category": "radiologist", "results": [ { name: "J. Michael Barraza, Jr., MD", } ] }, { /* other categories */ }]
Without a category, you can still query, but it requires listing all categories in advance, like the query I shared above.
This is a working example in
Oct 22, 2021, 5:09 AM
Yeah that’s what I thought at first to create a category document type. But I was wondering if I can group with just string field. Thank you
Oct 22, 2021, 6:44 AM
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