I'm still trying to work out how to write a subquery that pulls in references that are based on the parent query. My original thought process is here: <https://sanity-io-land.slack.com/archi...

4 replies
Last updated: Jan 5, 2021
I'm still trying to work out how to write a subquery that pulls in references that are based on the parent query. My original thought process is here: https://sanity-io-land.slack.com/archives/C9Z7RC3V1/p1608667211425800
Ultimately, I'm hoping to query all staff and within that query, query for all posts that reference that staff in an array called
. The closest I got was the following, but unfortunately it pulls in too much (it gets all the posts where that staff member is included in
, but it also includes posts where that staff member has been referenced using internal links):

*[_type == "staff"] | order(firstName asc, lastName asc) {
  'postCount': count(*[_type == "posts" && references(^._id)])
Jan 5, 2021, 6:38 PM
Hi Geoff! There seems to be an issue with array traversal that we're investigating. It occurs when using a
string in array[]->string
pattern, so when dereferencing is involved. This would explain the lack of results you were seeing with that approach in the original thread.
Could you try something like this?

*[_type == "staff"] | order(firstName asc, lastName asc) {
  'postCount': count(*[_type == "posts" && ^._id in involved[]._ref])
Jan 5, 2021, 7:29 PM
Yes! That works perfectly! Thank you, Peter!
Jan 5, 2021, 9:10 PM
Glad to hear!
Jan 5, 2021, 10:36 PM
Awesome! šŸš€
Jan 5, 2021, 10:39 PM

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