Snipcart Best Sellers

By Jacob Størdahl

A dashboard widget for viewing top sellers from Snipcart. This plugin is a part of the Steel headless commerce sudo framework.


This plugin only works with an older version of Sanity Studio (v2), which is deprecated.

Learn how to migrate to the new Studio v3 →

v2 install command (deprecated)

sanity install snipcart-bestsellers


Jacob Størdahl

JAMstack + serverless developer // javascript // all in on @sveltejs // 🏳️‍🌈 // any pronouns // prolly listening to a podcast

Jacob is located at Minneapolis, USA
Visit Jacob Størdahl's profile

Other plugins by author

Snipcart Orders

Studio v2

A dashboard widget for displaying recent orders from Snipcart. This plugin is a part of the Steel headless commerce sudo framework.

Jacob Størdahl
Go to Snipcart Orders