Portfolio Template With Next.JS

By Sujeet Gund

This is a personal portfolio template created with Next.js

Landing Page
About Page
Projects Page
Experience Page
Contact Page

About the project

Overview πŸ“™

Portfolio for developers is a simple and minimalistic website to showcase your skills and projects as a developer. The design is inspired by Manu Arora. The website is completely Open Source, you can use it for whatever purpose you want.

Features ⚑

  • Responsive layout, works well on both Mobile and Desktop
  • Dark mode support. Click buttons to toggle dark mode and light mode.
  • Clear React components and tailwind styling.
  • Exact sections that a developer needs to showcase their skills.

Tech Stack πŸ“¦οΈ

The website is built in my favourite Tech Stack and deployed on Vercel

Usage With Github πŸ”¨

  • Clone the repository using git clone https://github.com/sujeetag04/portfolio/blob/main.git
  • Install all the modules by using npm i or npm install or yarn
  • Run the local development server by using npm run dev or yarn dev
  • Make the required edits and deploy to YOUR GitHub repo for CI/CD.

Deployment πŸš€

Deployment can be done in 3 easy steps.

  • Login to Vercel or signup for an account if you don't have one.
  • Create a New Project and select your GitHub repository of the portfolio project.
  • Wait for Vercel to deploy your project to production.

Support 🎁

Buy Me A Coffee β˜•


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This is a starter blog template created with next.js - a react framework and sanity as a backend tool. It also includes comment section.

Sujeet Gund
Go to Next.JS Blog Template With Sanity.io