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How to remove annoying weak references in an editor

2 replies
Last updated: May 22, 2023
these are pretty annoying. How can I make it so they are removable right from the editorBasically I want these references to be removed too when I delete the referenced documents themselves. Instead of hanging there... pointlessly. I think that would be a common use case and there should be built-in solution ?
May 22, 2023, 2:07 AM
Are you using "weak" references? Usually, you can't delete a document if there are references. That said, you could create a custom input component or a type of listener action to accomplish this.
May 22, 2023, 2:29 AM
Yes weak references. Okay I don't know what they are but I'll look into those solutions tomorrow.
May 22, 2023, 2:33 AM

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