Using user information to control access to content in Sanity

16 replies
Last updated: Jan 14, 2022
Is it possible to purchase just custom roles if you're on a lower plan than Enterprise? We want to cordon off types to certain editors. (I recognize that's part of the reason it's there as it establishes huge value but it's not even on the 1000/mo plan, so apologies for the naivete...just looking for some implementation at the modest level of other tools to hide things from specific people).
I am trying to convince someone to switch to the light side (here) and if that's a potential dealbreaker I need to know if there's a way to make an exception to persuade them. It seems like it's the only potential point of contention.
Jan 12, 2022, 6:26 PM
You can't buy custom roles as an add on, unfortunately. However, you can return a different desk structure based off of the current user. There's a very brief example of this here .
Note, this method doesn't have any sort of security model in it. A document could be hidden from the Structure, but someone could still access it via the API or search and publish edits.
Jan 12, 2022, 6:44 PM
That's actually the simple necessity I had. They all work for the same company and all the information is protected. I think they just wanna keep happy accidents from happening or clean up the appearance so someone doesn't get distracted seeing something they'd rather not touch.
Heck they'd be happy if it happened with CSS but I don't see user info in the markup (I shouldn't haha just saying)

That code seems to suggest we could use other information about the user beyond just the role. I will have to log the object and see if anything else is exposed. If it is, is that permissible or would it break a rule/TOS? Like pinpointing IDs if they're there?
Jan 12, 2022, 7:15 PM
That's actually the simple necessity I had. They all work for the same company and all the information is protected. I think they just wanna keep happy accidents from happening or clean up the appearance so someone doesn't get distracted seeing something they'd rather not touch.
Heck they'd be happy if it happened with CSS but I don't see user info in the markup (I shouldn't haha just saying)

That code seems to suggest we could use other information about the user beyond just the role. I will have to log the object and see if anything else is exposed. If it is, is that permissible or would it break a rule/TOS? Like pinpointing IDs if they're there?
Jan 12, 2022, 7:15 PM
Thank you for the quick response by the way
Jan 12, 2022, 7:15 PM
That's actually the simple necessity I had. They all work for the same company and all the information is protected. I think they just wanna keep happy accidents from happening or clean up the appearance so someone doesn't get distracted seeing something they'd rather not touch.
Heck they'd be happy if it happened with CSS but I don't see user info in the markup (I shouldn't haha just saying)

That code seems to suggest we could use other information about the user beyond just the role. I will have to log the object and see if anything else is exposed. If it is, is that permissible or would it break a rule/TOS? Like pinpointing IDs if they're there?
Jan 12, 2022, 7:15 PM
It's permissible!
Jan 12, 2022, 7:26 PM
Hooray for permissible things! And for the upper and lowercase Sanity you provide
Jan 12, 2022, 7:57 PM
That works awesome! The deprecation notice makes me nervous: so I am running experiments to see if there's a "subscribe" way to do the same iterating/map approach.
When you're working with all this powerful stuff your mind is going "fetch and use all teh things!" but I am still adjusting to what I have available to me from the get, the async/await and coming in and out of callable functions and returns (basically my developing React skills). Fingers crossed but this is an amazing start ( if the originals are two years old and the magic goes away tomorrow I don't want something like "controlling what people can see" to be a thing that disappears. I know it's a deliberate conscious move and we could stay a while but I also like being proactive and getting ahead of stuff.
Jan 13, 2022, 11:56 PM
In the interest of sharing, this is an abridged version of my non-deprecated solution with some tasteful, modest name swaps.
Note the changed syntax; it's no longer an arrow function and it has braces.

I set up a variable called items at the highest local scope, and then I use the result returned from the newer userStore call to have a resolved string to check against.

The simplest, leanest way I have arrived at is, I pack the "items" variable with an array based on that condition based on how I know it'll get used eventually, and then use it just that way in the final call that asks for an array to build out the first pane.

Another way of explaining it from the other end is, I know I need to return some complete document structure at the end that has a sack of items in it, like all document structures, but which bundle of items gets thrown in that sack depends on the results of that that first condition.

export default function () {

    let items; => {
        if ("Vincent Florio" != {
            return items = [
                    .title('First item on primary Vincent list')
                            .title('Vincent Slider')
        } else {
            return items = [
                    .title('First item on list for everyone else')
                            .title('Slider for non-Vincents')
    return S.list()
        .title('Sum of All Content')


Jan 14, 2022, 7:11 AM
In the interest of sharing, this is an abridged version of my non-deprecated solution.
export default function () {

    let items; => {
        if ("Vincent Florio" != {
            return items = [
                    .title('First item on primary Vincent list')
                            .title('Vincent Slider')
        } else {
            return items = [
                    .title('First item on list for everyone else')
                            .title('Slider for non-Vincents')
    return S.list()
        .title('Sum of All Content')


Jan 14, 2022, 7:11 AM
Thanks so much for sharing
user S
Jan 14, 2022, 5:11 PM
Aaaand because Sanity is awesome, and it's all connected, no new options page necessary -- I already have a list of people, so an administrator can go to their page (used for a handful of other things, selectively) and just add document types from a list to exclude that person.
Jan 14, 2022, 7:02 PM
Haha, it's been so fun watching you learn about Sanity!
Jan 14, 2022, 7:28 PM
I come from an art background and have developed over time to be a creative-problem-solving programmer of sorts, so the thoughtful design is hyping me up because it calms down all the stuff that nerves me about other platforms, while rising to the challenge of all the relatively ambitious things I want to do with it -- stably, at that. Who wouldn't love a tool that matches their ambition and follows through with every weird idea you get? People like to imagine and make stuff. It's like a playground for nerds =P
Jan 14, 2022, 7:36 PM
I come from an art background and have developed over time to be a creative-problem-solving programmer of sorts, so the thoughtful design is hyping me up because it calms down all the stuff that nerves me about other platforms, while rising to the challenge of all the relatively ambitious things I want to do with it -- stably, at that. Who wouldn't love a tool that matches their ambition and follows through with every weird idea you get? People like to imagine and make stuff. It's like a playground for nerds =P
Jan 14, 2022, 7:36 PM
I'm from an architecture/design background and remember feeling exactly the same way when I first started using Sanity.
Jan 14, 2022, 8:05 PM

Sanity– build remarkable experiences at scale

Sanity is a modern headless CMS that treats content as data to power your digital business. Free to get started, and pay-as-you-go on all plans.

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