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Profile page of Jason Lengstorf

Jason's headline: Jason Lengstorf works at Netlify and hosts Learn With Jason. He is trying his very best to follow his own advice.

Jason's website: jason.af

Jamstack Explorers
- Made with Sanity

Jamstack Explorers is a free learning platform created by the team at Netlify to chart a course through the amazing offerings in the Jamstack ecosystem

Go to Jamstack Explorers

Jason Lengstorf works as a principal developer experience engineer at Netlify, where he works to improve the experience of building and deploying to the modern web. He also hosts Learn With Jason, a live-streamed video show where he pair programs to learn something new in 90 minutes. He spends a lot of time telling people that the formula for success and happiness is to lift each other up and share what we learn. He is trying his very best to follow his own advice. He lives in Portland, Oregon.