Aryze Developments

By Gearbox & Partner Creative

A gorgeous design system harnessed through a thoughtfully customized Sanity experience.

Localized time-of-day theming
Localized time-of-day theming
Customizable project pages & theming
Customizable project pages & theming
Customizable project pages & theming
Customizable project pages & theming
Custom content components & project navbar
Home page projects highlights
Cards slider with perspective hover effects
In-depth CRM form integration
Custom maps & pins component
About Aryze content page
Contact page with forms
Product listing page
Product display page
Flexible content components
Store page options & ordering
301 redirects
Localized time-of-day theming
Snipcart product management
Custom map pins
CRM API form integration
CRM API integration dashboard

About the project

Aryze is an elegant, high-performance, static website built on the Next.js framework. Working closely with the Aryze team, we were able to incorporate all the features on their marketing team's wishlist—and more.

Using Sanity's customizable studio, we crafted some powerful features:

  • Fully customizable pages
  • Extensive selection of designed components
  • Effortless eCommerce management
  • Dynamic CRM form options
  • Admin bar deploy button & status
  • Instant site search
  • Flexible image / video components
  • URL redirect dashboard
  • CRM API dashboard


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Partner Creative
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