
By Corey Ward

Website and blog for Figma

FigJam product page
Sanity enables editors to create rich, flexible presentations for content like this one with videos, multiple columns, a sidebar, and contextual calls to action.

About the project

I developed a fast, SEO-friendly, localized marketing website and blog for Figma using Gatsby and Sanity that lets the team spin up new pages without coding.

Notable Features:

  • Block-based page builder in Sanity allows editors to build new pages that are fully optimized and SEO ready without developer assistance
  • Web form builder and submission handler allows marketing team to create new forms, present them in a variety of ways, and collect the data, all without code
  • Fully featured blog with instant search, feeds, categories, multi-author support, rich content, and a full archive
  • Localization support following best practices with SEO-compliant routing, TMS integration into Sanity (CMS) with 4 languages in use today
  • Bespoke, 1st-party consent management solution including cookie banner
  • All while following best practices…
    • Third-party scripts sandboxed in iframes for security and compliance
    • Exceeds WCAG 2.0 accessibility requirements
    • Images automatically optimized, served from the cloud
    • Fully static pages with client-side routing
    • Code minification including tree shaking, code splitting, and lazy loading
    • Blur-up images with automated aspect ratio preservation to minimize CLS
    • Critical CSS inlining, fingerprinted assets with long-lived cache times
    • Respect for prefers-reduced-motion in graphics
    • Fully responsive implementation down to 320px


Corey Ward

Freelance full-stack dev focused on building awesome Jamstack experiences

Corey is located at Austin, Texas, US
Visit Corey Ward's profile

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Takeout Tracker

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JAMStack website leveraging Gatsby, Sanity, Netlify, React, Framer Motion, and Emotion (among others)

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