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E-commerce Guides

Guides for getting started with building your own headless e-commerce solutions with JAMstack frameworks such as Gatsby, Next, and Svelte-- all powered by Sanity on the backend.

Universal Links in Sanity.io

Deep Link to your Sanity Content easily with this Branch.io plugin

This is an external link at:seansy.medium.com
Sean H
Go to Universal Links in Sanity.io

Crafting a Theme Engine

Organize your content in a way to easily stage core components like home, navigations, and other global modules

Kevin Green
Go to Crafting a Theme Engine

Build an e-commerce site with the Stripe API

Studio v2

In this tutorial, we'll make a no-frills "merch store" for a personal blog using the Stripe API, Next.js, and Sanity. We'll leverage Stripe's fantastic checkout platform to redirect our customers to Stripe's servers for their checkout process.

Joe Holmes
Go to Build an e-commerce site with the Stripe API

Custom Commerce.js input field for Sanity.io

Pair your headless content with headless commerce! Select your Commerce.js products directly from Sanity Studio.

This is an external link at:commercejs.com
Nikita Kakuev
Go to Custom Commerce.js input field for Sanity.io

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