Plugins and tools for Sanity

We’re growing an ecosystem of plugins, tools, custom input components and dashboard widgets for Sanity Studio, in addition to a range of front-end libraries for popular languages and frameworks.

Latest tools

Referenced By

Studio v2

Plugin to see which documents reference a particular document

Natalie Marleny
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Studio v2

Susam integrates Sanity asset management with Shopify. As soon as you install it, you will be able to fully utilise Shopify content distribution from your Sanity environment.



Studio v2

Helps making push notifications for your content

Bünyamin Öztürk
Go to OneSignal

Sanity Draft Review Plugin

Studio v2

This plugin allows content editors to quickly view, approve and reject documents in draft mode (not published).

Gustavo Bremm
Go to Sanity Draft Review Plugin

Webhook Deploy

Studio v2

Simple tab to manually trigger webhook deploys

Ian Hatcher-Williams
Go to Webhook Deploy

GROQ list

Studio v2

Take advantage of GROQ to render lists of documents for quick edit, straight in the Sanity studio without needing to deploy anything!

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Autocomplete Input

Studio v2

This plugin provides a way of dynamically providing autocomplete results to your editors.

Liam Martens
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Vimeo Browser

Studio v2

A plugin to browse and select Vimeo videos directly from the Sanity studio

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Aprimo Asset Selector

Official(made by Sanity team)
Studio v2

Select Aprimo assets in your Sanity studio!

Carolina Gonzalez
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Gobi Stories

Studio v2

Easily share more video on your page with our Story tools. Upload short videos to our platform and publish stories on your page within minutes.

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MonkeyLearn Pane

Studio v2

Send the contents of a Portable Text field to MonkeyLearn's API to extract insights with the power of Machine Learning!

Simeon Griggs
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