Sanity Helper Functions

The SanityPress starter template includes utility helper functions for working with the Sanity Studio structure.

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Mitchell Christ
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Awesome custom input component for metadata

Add values for title, alt text and description to image assets through a custom input component with validation and all! (Code in JS & TS)

Saskia Bobinska
Go to Awesome custom input component for metadata

How to build a Portfolio Site with Sanity and Next.js

Learn how to build a portfolio site with Sanity and Next.js 13 and also explore how to setup GROQ-powered webhooks for deployment

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Victor Eke
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How to dynamically create a sitemap with Sanity and Remix

In this article we explain how we use Sanity and Remix to dynamically create sitemaps. The example used is from Heavybit, a developer tools VC in San Francisco.

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Adding things to Portable Text - From block content schema to React component

This Guide will lead you through the all the steps you need to level-up your use of Portable Text: from setting up block content, adding custom blocks and renderers for the Portable Text Editor in your studio. But also help you query for everything and render your awesome content in React!

Saskia Bobinska
Go to Adding things to Portable Text - From block content schema to React component

A/B testing with Sanity and LaunchDarkly

We use Sanity to build fast websites that rank on the Google search engine and attract users. A/B testing is a great way to find out what content fits better with your target users, so integrating it on Sanity is a great way to test your content with real users before going live with them.

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Analytics with Sanity

At Tinloof, we aim to create websites that retain users, and tracking their interactions is key to making that happen. We’ll explain in this article the analytics possibilities with Sanity and how we make them possible in our projects.

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