React tools & plugins

Netlify Deploy Status Badge

Display Netlify's status badge in Sanity Studio and your site's recent deploys. Plus, trigger a new build if you want to!

Dorell James
Go to Netlify Deploy Status Badge


This plugin allows a field's value to be based on other fields or relationships with its document or based on external data. In other words, this field memoizes a value in a document using GROQ or APIs to lookup and custom javascript to compute the value from those GROQ results.

Sean H
Go to sanity-plugin-computed-field


Studio v2

The Sanity Desk Tool Pane with Super Powers

Rico Kahler
Go to SUPER Pane

React Portable Text

An easy way to render Portable Text block content in React applications.

Corey Ward
Go to React Portable Text

Next.js Sanity Image

Utility for using responsive images hosted on the CDN with the Next.js image component.

Lorenzo de Jong
Go to Next.js Sanity Image

Media Library

Studio v2

The missing media library for Sanity. With support for filters per tag and extension. 🔥

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Autocomplete Tags

Studio v2

This plugin creates a custom tags input field for Sanity Studio. This custom input field allows users to type tags, select existing ones from the dropdown or create new ones. This is handy if you want to offer authors an experience of "type, hit Enter, repeat" for adding tags.

Art Rosnovsky
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Mobile preview

Studio v2

The mobile preview plugin makes it possible to preview how a website looks on a mobile phone.

Jesper Paulsen
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