Answers from the community about Reference

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Understanding the use of '@' in groq for reading fields outside of the reference context.5Nov 9, 2023
Issue with cache not reflecting changes in response of query in Next.js and Sanity v3.5Sep 29, 2023
Querying an array of references and getting both the resolved reference and the _key field.14Sep 26, 2023
How to reference a field in a Groq query in another part of the query without using a variable passed.7Sep 21, 2023
How to prevent self-reference in child-parent setup in Sanity using custom validation or filter option.5Sep 7, 2023
How to retrieve specific values from a document reference in GROQ query.6Aug 1, 2023
Trouble adding reference to array causing crashes in Sanity UI7Jun 23, 2023
Understanding how to create inline documents with reference fields in Slack thread5Jun 19, 2023
Issues with array field and reference type in navMenu schema9Jun 11, 2023
Understanding the differences between Groq and GraphQL in Sanity.io5May 27, 2023
Querying for documents by reference in a post and tag schema4May 22, 2023
Discussion on fetching fresh data from API in custom document view component using useClient() and a reference implementation...6Apr 25, 2023
Discussion about querying and displaying featured posts in frontend, with some troubleshooting and guidance provided.50Nov 9, 2022
Difficulty accessing asset properties in a query, but issue was resolved.12Nov 3, 2022
Discussion on getting only currently used categories and customizing reference input components.13Oct 27, 2022
Issue with reference fields not returning expected data in GROQ query.14Oct 26, 2022
Querying for articles associated with tags in a list component in one query.6Oct 24, 2022
Trouble accessing referenced item name in Sanity document preview5Oct 22, 2022