Answers from the community about Migration

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Upgrading Gatsby Project to V3 - Attempted import error: 'getFluidGatsbyImage' is not exported2Mar 19, 2021
Tips for migrating from WordPress to Sanity, including using WPGraphQL and block tools.29Mar 10, 2021
Slug Is Not Working While Importing External Data (MongoDB Database)7Feb 15, 2021
Examples of complex block contents for WordPress to Sanity migration4Jan 31, 2021
Error encountered when deploying GraphQL in Sanity.io6Jan 25, 2021
Creating a team project in Sanity.io9Jan 12, 2021
How do I make a patch request to a document to change its type? This is resulting in an error Cannot modify immutable attribu...12Sep 11, 2020
Setting default slug and making it readOnly in Sanity.io18Jun 22, 2020
Managing files in Sanity Studio and GraphQL API5May 17, 2020
Discussion on how to change nested block content in Sanity documents during data migration.6Apr 26, 2020
Cloning a Sanity project and migrating data6Apr 19, 2020
My Image URLs Are Breaking When Deploying to Netlify7Apr 3, 2020