Answers from the community about Datetime

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
hello guys, I noticed that the data I fetch from my sanity studio to my front end are displayed randomly and I don't want...5Dec 20, 2020
Removing canonicalisation on a site with Gatsby and Netlify18May 6, 2020
Issue with datetime schema type displaying wrong days in Sanity Studio.5Jan 22, 2024
Applying custom functions directly in GROQ for data destructuring from datetime.6Oct 10, 2023
How to hide the timestamp next to the date on a Sanity blog post16Apr 26, 2023
Does the `dateTime()` Function in GROQ Require the `Datetime` or `Date` Data Types?4Sep 29, 2022
Structuring documents and categories in Sanity.io6Sep 11, 2022
Adding a feature flag to a Sanity type and discussing possible solutions.8Jul 25, 2022
Discussion about handling time zones in and potential solutions using momentjs and custom fields.11May 6, 2022
Displaying the createdAt field in Sanity Studio using a custom component20Apr 13, 2022
Issue with the Sanity calendar plugin not displaying the schedule button, but resolved with help from another user.18Jan 28, 2022
Querying documents based on the fine-grained content of an array field inside.6Dec 21, 2021
Handling timezones in richDate fields10Oct 20, 2021
How to hide links in Sanity Studio when editor has not given a value15Sep 9, 2021
Filtering and grouping products based on certain values in Sanity.io5Jul 18, 2021
Issue with document title not appearing in preview16Jul 12, 2021
GROQ Query - How to Filter Posts by Category if it's an Array7Jun 29, 2021
Retrieving previous and next items with GROQ in Sanity.io15Jun 3, 2021