Answers from the community about Structure builder

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Custom Document Views - Is it Even Possible to Use the Structure Builder?10Apr 21, 2022
Ordering articles by views in deskStructure.js for Sanity.io3Jun 7, 2024
How to remove the "Create New Document" action from a specific part of the document list structure.4May 10, 2024
Using a reference field to generate a slug in Sanity Studio.7Apr 17, 2024
Applying a filter to the desk structure to directly edit an active schema remotely.12Mar 11, 2024
Questions about setting the icon and accessing dark/light mode in Sanity Structure.8Feb 27, 2024
Best practices for using page structure builder in Sanity and decoupling from traditional CMS thinking.29Dec 19, 2023
Difficulty in passing initial values to singletons in Structure Builder.9Aug 24, 2023
How to add a title to deskStructure in using preview.3Jul 28, 2023
Troubleshooting login issue with older studios in Firefox and providing workarounds.5Jul 5, 2023
Questions about using with Next.js directory structure2Jun 10, 2023
Help with nesting PageBuilder sections inside a grid26Jun 7, 2023
How to translate body in Sanity with Next.js6May 23, 2023
Schema structure for Sanity and creating specific fields for each page in a mini-site.10Mar 11, 2023
Trouble with generating slug field in Sanity Studio32Feb 7, 2023
Upgrading to v3 and splitting desk structure causes crashes in Sanity Studio7Dec 19, 2022
"Troubleshooting a Parent/Child Taxonomy in Sanity Studio"22Oct 12, 2022
Discussion on syncing user data and customizing the Sanity studio based on user access.15Sep 13, 2022