Answers from the community about Vercel

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Issue with 401 Unauthorized error during build process on Vercel28May 3, 2024
Next.js and Vercel - Error! No Output Directory named "dist" found4Aug 8, 2022
Hi all! Does anyone have problem on deoplloying on Vercel (Using Next. js as a frontend)? I have two test projects, andonce...6Jan 25, 2021
How to transfer a project to another account and Vercel integration11Jun 17, 2024
Automating content updates from Sanity Studio to Vercel using webhooks6Jun 5, 2024
How to undeploy a Sanity hosted CMS after refactoring to Vercel3May 29, 2024
Issue accessing drafts from Astro SSR on Vercel with Sanity client token.5Apr 4, 2024
Error connecting Sanity CMS to a site deployed on Vercel, seeking help with CORS configuration and API endpoint.10Mar 14, 2024
Unable to delete or archive Sanity instances and tokens created through Vercel installation.10Feb 14, 2024
Investigation and resolution of an issue with the management portal on Vercel, potentially caused by Vercel itself.10Jan 17, 2024
Issue with burger menu not appearing after deploying site on Vercel.9Oct 10, 2023
Issue with fetching/caching data from in Next.js app deployed on Vercel.5Sep 1, 2023
Issue with adding Sanity integration into Vercel, JS not loading, workaround provided.21Aug 10, 2023
Issue with build process after making a small change in Vercel deployment4Jul 3, 2023
Discussion about estimating billing and preventing surprise charges with Vercel and Sanity hosting services15May 31, 2023
Creating a Sanity project template with Next.js and Vercel5May 24, 2023
Troubleshooting deployment of Next.js app on Vercel in Slack thread4May 23, 2023
Error deploying project to Vercel due to missing module '@sanity/cli'4Feb 25, 2023