Answers from the community about Schema

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Using Gatsby's Schema Customization APIs with @gatsby-contrib/gatsby-plugin-elasticlunr-search and resolving referencesin...5May 1, 2020
Troubleshooting warning for documents not declared in GraphQL schema during Gatsby build10Apr 28, 2020
Troubleshooting warning for documents not declared in GraphQL schema during Gatsby build10Apr 28, 2020
Querying a reference field in Sanity and resolving initial value in a document schema34Apr 25, 2020
Checking if a schema preview is a draft in Sanity.io4Apr 23, 2020
Checking if a schema preview is a draft in Sanity.io4Apr 23, 2020
How to use a Custom Preview Component on the Document View16Apr 21, 2020
Gatsby-Sanity-Source GraphQL Schema Not Found (Error: Session Not Found)11Apr 17, 2020
How to use Custom Input Components on a Field of Type ‘Object’2Apr 14, 2020
Discussion about implementing geojson for polygon in a plugin using Google Maps input or Leaflet, with consideration for...17Apr 7, 2020
Error when adding color-input plugin to schema2Apr 6, 2020
Localising image fields in Sanity and resolving the "Encountered anonymous inline image" error.6Apr 3, 2020
Difficulty finding guides/tutorials for the "block" schema type with the "of" property.6Apr 2, 2020
How to Use the "of" property in a "block" schema type6Apr 2, 2020
Troubleshooting a gallery block error in a page builder15Apr 1, 2020
Issue with getting data from an array in Sanity to Gatsby, but problem was resolved.7Apr 1, 2020
Issue with getting data from an array in Sanity to Gatsby, but problem was resolved.7Apr 1, 2020