Answers from the community about HTTP API

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Changes to Sanity's API token permissions on the free plan8May 28, 2024
Possibility to exclude the `query` attribute in the HTTP API result discussed.3May 15, 2024
Difference between API Requests and CDN requests in 19, 2024
Investigating high bandwidth usage in a Sanity project19Oct 2, 2023
How to securely send requests to Sanity in a Next.js app using API routes.4Sep 29, 2023
Generating unique slugs via the API and the need for external slugifier and API requests.4Jul 17, 2023
Issue with using JSDOM in htmlToBlocks function for server-side API4Jul 12, 2023
How to get the latest draft of content using Sanity's HTTP API2Jun 14, 2023
Discussion about expiration of Sanity Auth tokens causing issues with API calls and deployment37Jan 4, 2023
Discussion of a bug with nested fields in the Image schema type in Sanity.io20Oct 17, 2022
Issue with filter in deskStructure.js not working as expected, resolved by updating API version.16Sep 30, 2022
CORS error - No access control origin4Sep 5, 2022
Adding apiVersion causing breaks in Sanity code13Jul 7, 2022
Enabled useCdn:true Not Working for Sanity API CDN with React17Jun 23, 2022
Issue with state setter not working inside useEffect async API call in a custom API component27Jun 21, 2022
Querying with GROQ in Sanity and optimizing API usage29Jun 20, 2022
Issue with Next.js preview API route not working on Vercel deployment22Jun 9, 2022
Issue with API version and GROQ query in resolved successfully.7Jun 3, 2022