Marketing site showcase projects

Fenn Store

Online shop & treatment bookings for wellness store + salon

Lucas Vocos
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Company Website

Re-implemented my company website using the angular tailwindcss template

Magnus Wolf
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Minimalist portfolio website

A very simple single page site to highlight a social researcher and climber's key interests and profiles.

Marc Fehr
Go to Minimalist portfolio website


A sample portfolio to learn more about and GROQ

Sara Gray
Go to Portfolio

Figma Config

Website for Config, the global design conference by Figma.

Corey Ward
Go to Figma Config

Clavier Meca

Website dedicated to the love for keyboards

Johan Petrikovsky
Go to Clavier Meca

WorldQuant University

Website for WorldQuant University. Site contains information about the organization and programs offered, ability to apply, and a regular blog for WQU-related news.

Go to WorldQuant University

Hello Astro

Vibrant one-pager for Hello Astro, a two-person brand marketing-communications consultancy.

Rafael Derolez
Go to Hello Astro


Portfolio for designer/journalist Thea Urdal

Elise Jakobsen
Go to Urdal

Black History Month Church Activities Micro-Site

A quickly spun-up marketing site for church activities related to Black History Month themes to help centralize all the information for the congregation.

Thomas Z Lukoma
Go to Black History Month Church Activities Micro-Site


Genexa is an organic/GMO medicine company trying to clean out your cabinet.

Ian Hatcher-Williams
Go to Genexa

Confrere website

The website part of Confrere used to be Gatsby with the content in the code. It was migrated slowly to a Sanity/Gatsby combination so it was ready for content editors to work on the many languages.

Jayne Mast
Go to Confrere website

DFK Nord AG - Website

Relaunch of the DFK Nord AG website with and Next.js. contains a very powerful page builder, form builder and blog editor with live preview.

Andreas Straub - Evelan
Go to DFK Nord AG - Website

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