👀 Our most exciting product launch yet 🚀 Join us May 8th for Sanity Connect

Marketing site showcase projects


App with recipes and food courses from the chefs at Kulinarisk Akademi (the culinary academy) in Oslo. Sanity+Mux powered app built in React/React Native.

Kristoffer Brabrand
Go to Foodsteps

Bridget Baker

Bridget Baker is a photographer based in Portland, Oregon. Her portfolio is an immersive and playful, self-guided experience. Photos emerge alongside the cursor as it moves around the screen and expand when clicked into a fullscreen stable gallery for greater focus. This unique approach to letting users explore and interact with the media not only highlights individual photos, but allows to look at the body of work as a whole.

Tyler McRobert
Go to Bridget Baker


JAMStack website leveraging Gatsby, Sanity, Netlify, React, Framer Motion, and Emotion (among others)

Corey Ward
Go to Secondmind


Website for data scraping consultancy based in Brazil

Henrique Doro
Go to Crawly


Website for a marketing agency that helps women-owned businesses

Henrique Doro
Go to Compoá

Data Hackers

Website for the biggest data science community in Latin America

Henrique Doro
Go to Data Hackers

Other contribution categories