Answers from the community about Dashboard

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
How to host both Sanity Studio and Frontend on the same Netlify site14May 14, 2021
Best practices for backing up and restoring datasets in Sanity.io7Apr 29, 2021
Sanity Date Schema - How to Set a Date for a Document7Apr 6, 2021
What's Everyone's Favorite Approach For Search Solutions With Shopify/Gatsby?16Mar 26, 2021
Discussion about resolving an error in setting up a custom desk structure in Sanity.io43Mar 26, 2021
Auth0's Single Page App vs. Auth0's Next.js Integration2Mar 20, 2021
Has anyone been able to get studio to work with sanity-ui? I've tried 0.32.8 with base 2.2.5 and get errors attributed to...5Jan 30, 2021
Challenge adding team member to Sanity project, invitation email not received18Jan 19, 2021
Challenge adding team member to Sanity project, invitation email not received17Jan 19, 2021
Fuzzy search on emails not working with wildcard and match operator6Nov 30, 2020
Hey when I try to connect to the groq tool (<>) by clicking the link from...5Oct 29, 2020
I’m trying to insert an item into an array in a custom input component but nothing happens.6Oct 6, 2020
Issue with inserting an item into an array in a custom input component.6Oct 6, 2020
Issue with deploying GraphQL in Sanity/Gatsby tutorial, resolved with updated script11Sep 23, 2020
Difficulty creating a Dashboard Widget in Sanity2Sep 7, 2020
Adding a word counter to a content block in Sanity.io4Jul 9, 2020
404 Error When I Try to Enter Any of My Organizations Projects5Jun 12, 2020
Discussion about error connecting to Sanity API and potential solutions23Jun 3, 2020