Answers from the community about CORS

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Removing and Re-adding CORS Origins7May 18, 2022
Issue with CORS error in accessing a project locally and in the deployed studio.20May 18, 2022
Console.Log Returning Undefined20May 16, 2022
How to Set CORs Origins for Cloudflare Pages8May 3, 2022
How to Delete a Project from an Account28Apr 22, 2022
Issue Adding Wildcard to the CORS Settings - Cannot Parse URL3Mar 10, 2022
Troubleshooting deployment and login issues with self-hosted Sanity instance10Feb 23, 2022
Implementing PDF file download using JavaScript and resolving CORS policy error4Dec 27, 2021
Issue with Next JS SSG preview mode and `next-i18next` package causing 500 error on Netlify7Dec 16, 2021
Troubleshooting creating a button to link to the most recent blog using Next.js and API.24Nov 23, 2021
SVG-Loading - CORS-Error13Nov 23, 2021
Troubleshooting CORS configuration for Sanity with custom domains9Sep 28, 2021
Next.js - How to Get Data From Sanity Using SWR17Sep 9, 2021
Issue with CORS error when fetching data from Sanity Studio in React App12Sep 1, 2021
TextureLoader Error: "Access to Image at '>' Has Been Blocked by CORS Policy"5Aug 11, 2021
Loss of `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` Headers after New CORS Origin17Aug 11, 2021
404 Error in Category Menu in Sanity + Next.js4Jul 18, 2021
Adding a CORS Origin With a Wildcard to a New Project5Jul 14, 2021