Answers from the community about HTTP API

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Removing and Re-adding CORS Origins7May 18, 2022
API Rate Limit Error and Waiting Time for Batch Deletion6Apr 5, 2022
How Can I Set a Document Type to Be Created With a Sub-Path for the Document ID?11Mar 8, 2022
How to set the homepage of Sanity when using Next.js catch all route.9Feb 28, 2022
Understanding how to add and modify fields in Sanity documents32Feb 25, 2022
How to Download File Assets by Filename Instead of Project ID9Feb 19, 2022
How to add UnpublishAction in Sanity studio document actions8Feb 17, 2022
How Do I Publish Content via the HTTP-API?8Nov 30, 2021
Using Sanity for content management with membership tiers and user submissions8Nov 2, 2021
Managing order references in Sanity schema for API integration.6Nov 1, 2021
Can you add a Custom Login URL to the Studio?4Oct 6, 2021
How to get documents that reference a specific document in GET requests to the Sanity API.4Oct 5, 2021
Best approach for retrieving translations when running groq queries from the frontend9Oct 4, 2021
Troubleshooting NextJS live preview feature with API route errors and missing response31Oct 4, 2021
File uploads - Allow users of my app to upload assets (PDF or images) through a file picker.9Aug 11, 2021
Best way to copy an array from one product to another using API.6Jun 25, 2021
Tips for working with historical data in Sanity and how to sanitize user input18May 20, 2021
Best practices for backing up and restoring datasets in Sanity.io7Apr 29, 2021