Answers from the community about TypeScript

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Type error with defineField for image type resolved by updating TypeScript5May 22, 2024
Request for a TypeScript starter studio with desk structure example in Slack thread.7Jul 18, 2023
Trouble transitioning from npm to pnpm and cloning repo, but issue resolved by restarting TypeScript server4Jun 15, 2023
Beginner seeks help with GROQ query for getting title of availability in Sanity schema.2Jun 6, 2023
Solution found for client.fetch() hanging in Remix 1.12 with Express and Node 16.17.14Jun 5, 2023
Trouble defining TypeScript props on a preview component in Sanity7Mar 31, 2023
Error using createClient in Sanity and Typescript code47Mar 6, 2023
Getting TypeScript definitions from defineType function in Sanity schema builder7Feb 25, 2023
How to get schema types into a TypeScript project with a React.js app and Sanity.io12Feb 3, 2023
Error with `sanity-nextjs-landing-pages` starter during Netlify build11Oct 21, 2022
Discussion of React version compatibility issues in a monorepo with workspaces and solution using Yarn v331Oct 4, 2022
Nextjs Landing Pages - TypeScript Error When Checking For Non-Page Types7Jul 31, 2022
How to display articles by category in a main index page efficiently.5Jul 25, 2022
Next, Sanity, Vercel and Typescript templates - Preview functionality4Jul 11, 2022
Troubleshooting error running Sanity Studio with React 1731Jul 7, 2022
TypeScript error when using react-portabletext component in NextJS project2Apr 13, 2022
Permissions error when running script from terminal in project.9Feb 28, 2022
Issue with serializers in 11TY + Sanity integration18Sep 21, 2021