Answers from the community about Next

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
I’ve been trying to create a new permissions document. I tried using sanity exec But I get the error: ClientError: The mutation(s)...18Sep 9, 2020
How to create a new document inside an array in Sanity27Sep 4, 2020
Help with Preview Mode and Next.js, issue with previewing draft changes from already published doc3Sep 3, 2020
Configuring custom layout for homepage in Next.js Landing Pages Template.11Sep 2, 2020
Configuring custom layout for homepage in Next.js Landing Pages Template.8Aug 31, 2020
Issue with automated build failing due to missing next.js CLI11Aug 24, 2020
Next.js Github Build Error - sanity-nextjs-landing-pages-web: npm ERR!11Aug 24, 2020
How to Set the Value of a Read Only String Field in a Document Based on Other Fields?21Aug 14, 2020
Discussing integrating Algolia search with Sanity and Next.js/Gatsby13Jul 10, 2020
Is it possible to dynamically populate the values in a List for a string type?4Jul 7, 2020
How to generate and reverse-engineer the schema.json File from a Production Deployment of the Studio?4Jun 29, 2020
Restoring accidentally deleted documents in Sanity dataset without exporting.35Jun 25, 2020
Implementing Conditional-Based Options with a Custom Input Component4Jun 17, 2020
Build failing for Gatsby Next pages due to missing dependencies6Jun 3, 2020
Previewing Drafts in the Studio - Is it Possible?2May 19, 2020
Sanity and Next.js Automatic Static Optimization5May 18, 2020
Next.js Deployed on Vercel Now - Dynamic Links Return 'An Unexpected Error has Occurred'13May 9, 2020
Troubleshooting reference fields in a Next.js Landing page template14May 2, 2020