Answers from the community about Migration

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
GraphQL to CircleCI - How to Migrate Dataset Through CircleCI?2Jun 16, 2022
How to Change the Name of a Document Type10Jun 11, 2022
Increase in attribute limit and migration to document level translations.8Jun 8, 2022
Converting string tags to reference IDs in Sanity schema using migration script28Jun 2, 2022
GraphQL with Gatsby - Update Slug from String to Slug Type Fails24May 18, 2022
Migration API Mutation Error: Request Body Exceeds Limit of 4000000 Bytes12May 9, 2022
Discussion on organizing schemas and splitting schemas with the same name in Sanity7Apr 7, 2022
Error using @portabletext/react instead of @sanity/block-content-to-react10Feb 10, 2022
Using Tailwind Classes (v3) within Sanity rawHTML Blocks9Feb 9, 2022
Issue with creating default schema for content import in a separate repo, resolved by changing code on line 7.12Feb 5, 2022
Issue with running migrations and insufficient permissions error in Sanity.io15Dec 21, 2021
Issue with adding translations and multiple languages in Sanity10Dec 9, 2021
Updating default field value in using a script11Nov 2, 2021
Issue with serializers in 11TY + Sanity integration18Sep 21, 2021
Querying for a specific item type within a document in Sanity.io17Aug 15, 2021
Using Sanity Hotspot with GatsbyImage for Image Cropping17May 24, 2021
Advice on Migrating a Gatsby Site to Typescript7May 12, 2021
Migration from WordPress to Sanity using custom parsers and Sanity's CLI.4Apr 28, 2021