Answers from the community about Reference

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Discussion on deleting a collection and resolving reference errors in Sanity.io18Oct 18, 2022
Issue with Tags plugin installation and usage in Studio8Oct 14, 2022
"Troubleshooting a Parent/Child Taxonomy in Sanity Studio"22Oct 12, 2022
Issue with dynamic nested route and `getStaticProps` query for contributions document type.3Oct 4, 2022
Querying and hooking up a navigation schema to a front end in Sanity.io8Sep 29, 2022
Structuring a schema to reference content within another schema's nested array in Next.js28Sep 29, 2022
How to override the default preview configuration for an image block in Portable Text in Sanity.io7Sep 28, 2022
Deleting a translation document with self-reference error17Sep 22, 2022
Finding references to a deprecated component in Sanity schemas and documents.10Sep 20, 2022
Discussion of missing translated documents and issues with the document internationalization plugin14Sep 19, 2022
Querying a custom type reference in Sanity using groq10Sep 15, 2022
Issue with newly imported dataset not reflecting in Sanity CMS modules15Sep 14, 2022
Discussion on syncing user data and customizing the Sanity studio based on user access.15Sep 13, 2022
Troubleshooting missing category name in Sanity Studio18Sep 8, 2022
NextJS - How to Retrieve Values for Meta Tags15Sep 8, 2022
Rendering rich text from blocks on Gatsby using @portabletext package and gatsby-source-sanity plugin24Sep 7, 2022
Issue with sending comments to Sanity studio from deployed version14Sep 7, 2022
Next.js Adds Revalidation, But Doesn't Allow Sub-Queries in Webhooks?3Sep 5, 2022