👀 Our most exciting product launch yet 🚀 Join us May 8th for Sanity Connect

Shopify showcase projects

The Agnes

A high end rental real estate site built with Gatsby, Sanity and Shopify that pulls in listing data via API and includes a headless Shopify shop.

David Gross
Go to The Agnes

Eugenie Detroit

Eugenie is a Detroit-based women’s boutique that is centered in sustainable fashion.

Lucas Vocos
Go to Eugenie Detroit


Genexa is an organic/GMO medicine company trying to clean out your cabinet.

Ian Hatcher-Williams
Go to Genexa

Framing People

Headless eCommerce with Netxt.js/Three.js/Vercel/Sanity/Shopify

Go to Framing People

Heed Foods

Heed is a dog food company with some unique needs from a modular product and page perspective.

Kevin Green
Go to Heed Foods


CBD Wellness brand with a focus on editorial and complex product modularity

Kevin Green
Go to Prima