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Minor release: File and Image Input, PTE and Login Status

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade Sanity Studio with:

sanity upgrade

✨ Highlights

Updated File and Image Input

File component

  • Empty state takes up much less vertical space
  • Field with file selected also takes up less vertical space
  • Display original file name and size
  • Options to download the file or copy the url

Image component

  • Empty state takes up much less vertical space
  • Image is vertically responsive to the height of the window, taking up less vertical space
  • Images are no longer enlarged to fit the size of the field
  • Options to copy image url and download the image
File Input
Image Input

Improved change indicator highlighting in Portable Text Editor

PTE review changes

Updated login status popover to display information about the current user

  • Shows full name, email and login provider of the logged in user
  • Link to project management interface
Login popover improvements

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixes an issue where the empty editor placeholder text would sometimes cause focus problems in Webkit.
  • Fixes an issue where multiple types in array input would prevent it from being scrollable

Published February 02, 2022