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Experimental feature

Configuring Tasks

Learn how to enable, configure, and use the Tasks feature in Sanity Studio for effective team collaboration on content creation.

The Tasks feature for Sanity Studio enables your content creation team to collaborate more effectively right where the work is done. The feature is enabled by default for any eligible project, but can be disabled with a single line of configuration, should you wish to do so.

Paid feature

This article discusses a feature that is available for projects on the Growth plan and up. Visit our pricing page to learn about Sanity’s different plan offerings.

Enable and configure tasks in your studio

Tasks are enabled by default for all eligible projects. If you’d rather opt out for now, you can do so by adding the following property to your main studio configuration:

// ./sanity.config.ts|js

export default defineConfig({
  // ... rest of config
	unstable_tasks: { enabled: false },


Note that this configuration property naming is likely to change once the feature is out of the beta period. Rest assured that you’ll receive ample warning and time to update your configuration whenever this happens.

Where are tasks stored?

To keep everything neat and tidy, tasks are stored parallel to your content in a complimentary dataset, along with other workflow and collaboration data, such as Comments.

These datasets:

  • Do not count toward the data limit of your current plan.
  • Do not incur any extra costs for your project.
  • Are listed in the project management pages under Datasets, along with all existing datasets for a project.
  • Include a distinctive suffix in the dataset name. This is a best-effort attempt, and the result may vary, depending on the character length of the name of the related document dataset. Examples:
    • <related-document-dataset>-comments
    • <related-document-dataset>-cmts
    • <related-document-dataset>-cmt
    • <related-document-dataset>-c
  • Are searchable: you can query comment datasets with GROQ or GraphQL.


Tasks can be interacted with programmatically, but be advised that this feature is still in beta and should not yet be considered “API Stable”.

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