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Webhooks API

API endpoints for managing Sanity webhooks


Sanity provides two types of webhooks, transaction and document. Currently document webhooks are preferred because they are more flexible and powerful.


A document webhook triggers every time a document is created, updated, or deleted. If a transaction updates 3 documents, 3 webhooks will be executed. Document webhook also allows for more granular filtering and customisable payloads with GROQ.

For more information about document webhooks click here.


A transaction webhook triggers once per dataset , meaning if you batch together multiple document mutations in one transaction only one webhook will be executed.


List all webhooks

GET /v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}


curl 'https://api.sanity.io/v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}'


      "type": "document",
      "rule": {
        "on": [
        "filter": "_type == \"article\"",
        "projection": "{ _id, name }"
      "apiVersion": "v2021-03-25",
      "httpMethod": "POST",
      "includeDrafts": false,
      "headers": {},
      "secret": "thisIsAsecret",
      "id": "nCA0wzdJXR1cVadR",
      "name": "test",
      "projectId": "exx11uqh",
      "dataset": "*",
      "url": "https://www.example.com/",
      "createdAt": "2022-07-22T10:48:21.392Z",
      "createdByUserId": "psh9hAsjB",
      "isDisabled": false,
      "isDisabledByUser": false,
      "deletedAt": null,
      "description": null
      "type": "transaction",
      "id": "yyB57FRgCOCeLAtL",
      "name": "Transactio webhook",
      "projectId": "exx11uqh",
      "dataset": "webhook-test",
      "url": "https://www.example.com/",
      "createdAt": "2022-07-22T10:48:21.392Z",
      "createdByUserId": "pdakbqZhE",
      "isDisabled": false,
      "isDisabledByUser": false,
      "deletedAt": null,
      "description": null

Get a webhook by ID

GET /v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}/${hookId}


curl 'https://api.sanity.io/v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}/${hookId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}'


  "type": "document",
  "rule": {
    "on": [
    "filter": "_type == \"article\"",
    "projection": "{ _id, name }"
  "apiVersion": "v2021-03-25",
  "httpMethod": "POST",
  "includeDrafts": false,
  "headers": {},
  "secret": "thisIsAsecret",
  "id": "nCA0wzdJXR1cVadR",
  "name": "test",
  "projectId": "exx11uqh",
  "dataset": "*",
  "url": "https://www.example.com/",
  "createdAt": "2022-07-22T10:48:21.392Z",
  "createdByUserId": "psh9hAsjB",
  "isDisabled": false,
  "isDisabledByUser": false,
  "deletedAt": null,
  "description": null

Create a document webhook

POST /v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/{projectId}


curl \
  'https://api.sanity.io/v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}' \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' \
  --json @- << EOF
    "filter":"_type == 'article'",  


  "type": "document",
  "rule": {
    "on": [
    "filter": "_type == 'article'",
    "projection": "{_id}"
  "filter": null,
  "projection": null,
  "apiVersion": "v2021-03-25",
  "httpMethod": "POST",
  "includeDrafts": false,
  "headers": {},
  "secret": "MySecret",
  "id": "RHlOxIEkZd8rncl6",
  "name": "name",
  "projectId": "exx11uqh",
  "dataset": "*",
  "url": "https://www.example.com/",
  "createdAt": "2023-07-21T09:13:30.754Z",
  "createdByUserId": "psv96AOjB",
  "isDisabled": false,
  "isDisabledByUser": false,
  "deletedAt": null,
  "description": "description"

Request parameters

  • REQUIREDtypestring


  • REQUIREDnamestring

    Name of webhook

  • REQUIREDurlstring

    The URL field is where you specify the endpoint to which the webhook request is sent.

  • REQUIREDdatasetstring

    Which dataset should this trigger for.

    '*' means all datasets in the project.

  • descriptionstring

    Optional description to add helpful context to the webhook.

  • rule.onstring[]

    Webhooks can be triggered when a document is created, updated, deleted, or any combination of these.

    • 'create': triggers on the creation of a new document.
    • 'update': triggers on every change to a document once created.
    • 'delete': triggers on the deletion of a document
  • rule.filterstring

    A GROQ filter specifying which documents will, when changed, trigger your webhook. A filter is what you commonly see between the *[ and ] in a GROQ query. This field supports all the GROQ functions you'd expect and has additional support for functions in the delta:: namespace, as well as before() and after().

    If left empty, it will apply to all documents (*[])

  • rule.projectionstring

    A GROQ projection defining the payload (or body) of the outgoing webhook request. This field supports GROQ functions in the delta:: namespace, as well as before() and after().

    If left empty, it will include the whole document after the change that triggered it.

    See more information about GROQ-projections here

  • apiVersionstring

    Which API version to use for the GROQ filter and projection. Defaults to the latest API version for the GROQ query API

  • httpMethodstring

    This field configures the webhook's HTTP request method. It can be set to POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, or GET. Some endpoints require incoming requests to use a specific method to work.

  • includeDraftsboolean

    Whether or not to trigger on draft changes

  • headersRecord<string, string>

    Additional HTTP headers. You can add multiple headers. A common example is adding an Authorization: Bearer <token> header to authenticate the webhook request.

  • secretstring

    To let receiving services verify the origin of any outgoing webhook, you may add a secret that will be hashed and included as part of the webhook request's headers. You may find our webhook toolkit library helpful for working with secrets.

  • isDisabledByUserboolean

    Set to 'true' to disable the webhook and prevent it from triggering.

Create a transaction webhook

POST /v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/{projectId}


curl \
  'https://api.sanity.io/v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}' \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' \
  --json @- << EOF


  "type": "transaction",
  "id": "8ngGSobiUAzpw4cl",
  "name": "name-transaction",
  "projectId": "exx11uqh",
  "dataset": "*",
  "url": "https://www.example.com/",
  "createdAt": "2023-07-21T10:32:48.424Z",
  "createdByUserId": "psv96AOjB",
  "isDisabled": false,
  "isDisabledByUser": false,
  "deletedAt": null,
  "description": "description"

Request parameters

  • REQUIREDtypestring


  • REQUIREDdatasetstring

    Which dataset should this trigger for.

    '*' means all datasets in the project.

  • REQUIREDurlstring

    The URL field is where you specify the endpoint to which the webhook request is sent.

  • REQUIREDnamestring

    Name of webhook

  • descriptionstring

    Optional description to add helpful context to the webhook

  • isDisabledByUserboolean

    Set to 'true' to disable the webhook and prevent it from triggering.

Update a webhook

PATCH /v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/{projectId}/{id}


curl \
  'https://api.sanity.io/v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}/${id}' \
  --request PATCH \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' \
  --json @- << EOF


  "type": "transaction",
  "id": "8ngGSobiUAzpw4cl",
  "name": "name-transaction",
  "projectId": "exx11uqh",
  "dataset": "*",
  "url": "https://www.example.com/",
  "createdAt": "2023-07-21T10:32:48.424Z",
  "createdByUserId": "psv96AOjB",
  "isDisabled": false,
  "isDisabledByUser": true,
  "deletedAt": null,
  "description": "description"

Delete a webhook

DELETE /v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/{projectId}/{id}


curl \
  'https://api.sanity.io/v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}/${id}' \
  --request DELETE \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}'


  "id": "8ngGSobiUAzpw4cl",
  "deleted": 1

List webhook attempts

GET /v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}/{id}/attempts


curl \
  'https://api.sanity.io/v2021-10-04/hooks/projects/${projectId}/${id}/attempts' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}'


    "id": "ROnIqO5K2v8fvJGz-YLiSJVES65n2uvB1osaQEMEXUqmoUmPn",
    "projectId": "exx11uqh",
    "inProgress": false,
    "resultBody": "OK",
    "resultCode": 200,
    "duration": 39,
    "isFailure": false,
    "failureReason": null,
    "createdAt": "2023-07-21T10:46:40.147Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-07-21T10:46:40.239Z",
    "deletedAt": null,
    "messageId": "ROnIqO5K2v8fvJGz-aa1cmvIZmBc1lFSopuuGrJbNNyfq6VVM",
    "hookId": "ROnIqO5K2v8fvJGz"
    "id": "ROnIqO5K2v8fvJGz-54BtIsybhwP9Q4FDFNVnjeYbKe6r6mV3",
    "projectId": "exx11uqh",
    "inProgress": false,
    "resultBody": "Unauthorized",
    "resultCode": 401,
    "duration": 42,
    "isFailure": true,
    "failureReason": "http",
    "createdAt": "2023-07-21T10:45:40.226Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-07-21T10:45:40.356Z",
    "deletedAt": null,
    "messageId": "ROnIqO5K2v8fvJGz-Ig96In7jBaYXRcx4qIDS6SYXP2fYeaoV",
    "hookId": "ROnIqO5K2v8fvJGz"

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