Activity Feed

The Activity Feed lets you investigate what happened in your Sanity projects. If you are uncertain how a scenario took place, you can use the Activity Feed to investigate what actually happened.

Screenshot of the project activity from

What is an event?

An event is created when various actions are performed in the system. This can be by a user, by Sanity, or even by a robot token. An event contains information about what happened and when. Events differ by action, and each contains a unique ID.

List of team events

  • user creates team
  • user changes team’s name
  • user changes billing address
  • user changes payment method
  • user changes EU Representative
  • user changes Data Protection Officer
  • user changes user’s role
  • user removes user
  • user invite user(s)
  • user joins team
  • user revoked invitation

List of project events

  • user creates project
  • user changes project’s name
  • user changes project’s custom studio URL
  • user changes project’s plan
  • user adds CORS origin
  • user removes CORS origin
  • user adds webhook
  • user removes webhook
  • user adds API token
  • user removes API token
  • user changes user’s permissions
  • user removes user
  • user invites user(s)
  • user joins project
  • user revokes invitation
  • user creates dataset
  • user deletes dataset
  • user edits dataset
  • user duplicates dataset


Actions for projects and teams are available as a CSV export from the manage dashboard for each project. The export can be customized by the date when created.

Data provided in the export

  • action
  • actorEmail
  • actorId
  • actorName
  • correlationId
  • datasetName
  • description
  • documentId
  • id
  • metadata.invitedBy
  • metadata.role
  • organizationDisplayName
  • organizationId
  • projectDisplayName
  • projectId
  • timestamp
  • transactionId
  • userEmail
  • userId
  • userName
  • version

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