Specify API version for studio client
In a previous version of the Sanity content studio, you could import a global, preconfigured Sanity client instance by importing part:@sanity/base/client
Having a global client use a single API version is both restrictive and prevents utilizing the latest and greatest features of the Sanity API. This is why we have now deprecated using the global studio client without explicitly defining an API version to use.
import client from 'part:@sanity/base/client'
client.fetch('*[_type == "author"][0...10]')
import sanityClient from 'part:@sanity/base/client'
const client = sanityClient.withConfig({apiVersion: '2021-06-07'})
client.fetch('*[_type == "author"][0...10]')
Details about getting your versioned client set up can be found under API Versioning and the JavaScript Client.